This was my posting that didn't show:
Even though this situation lends itself to many variables which are interpretable and may side on either the student or the CCPD office, I would like to bring up a few points which have not been addressed on prior postings.
1) Did the officer utilize CCPD issued equipment which require disposable charge cartridge replacements?
2) If so, did the CCPD pay for the replacement cartridge on the Taser gun that was used while the "Off Duty" Policeman was "moonlighting"?
3) What does the Charter School Board Policy state as far as corporal and/or physical punishment on students by school faculty?
4) Did we not do away with "shock therapy" in prior historical events namely Adolph Hitler and his experimentations with humans?
5) Before the student was provoked, was the student causing harm to himself or anyone else?
6) As some have stated that there were witnesses, I would pose the question why were the witnesses not given the "taser treatment" to redirect them out of the same area?
7) As a part time employ, the CCPD on site should have to abide by all educational rules and regulations. If a CCPD officer is not informed or properly trained in the Texas State Board of Educators guidelines, then he/she should not even be on a School Campus.
8) It was mentioned that the CCPD was dispatched, did the officer make a special trip to the school or was the officer in the school already? Who dispatched the officer?
9) Where is the surveillance video to protect the Students/Faculty?
10) As an educator, I am really taken back by the fact that School District Employees are mandated to not so much as even touch a student, but a part- time contract security employee can determine at will to taser a student who doesn't bow down before him. Is this the United States of America?
11) Was the officer truly threatened or was he/she wanting to get the taser use up as this was a current issue in the news last week?
12) Has the Charter School notified in writing to the students and the parents of the students attending that charter school that the Tasers are permitted on campus and the use of Tasers are permitted under the Charter Schools Board policy as a use of force and under what conditions that use of force is appropriate?
13) Has a taser ever been used in CCISD campus on a minor student? Why or why not?Who was Rodney Kings Lawyer?
--- On Sun, 11/16/08, Jaime Kenedeno <> wrote:
From: Jaime Kenedeno <>
Subject: Fwd: [Corpus Christi Caller Times] Corpus Christi police one of the worst in the s...
Date: Sunday, November 16, 2008, 11:31 AM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Advocate <>
Date: Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 3:18 AM
Subject: [Corpus Christi Caller Times] Corpus Christi police one of the worst in the s...
Send us your stories, photos, or video that shows the world the lack of professionalism some
members of the CCPD have.
- News -
The lack of statistical comparison notwithstanding, Corpus Christi police say their excessive force complaints are few.
Christopher Gale, a San Antonio lawyer known throughout the state for representing people with excessive force complaints, says otherwise. He claims it's one of the worst in the state for excessive force complaints.
"It's not just a couple of bad seeds. It's a pervasive attitude that you can get away with it, where they feel like they're above it and right now I think they are," Gale said. "I probably get three calls a day regarding complaints about CCPD."
Posted By The Advocate to Corpus Christi Caller Times at 11/16/2008 01:03:00 AM
Kenedeño & Associates
Phone (361) 774-9103
Kenedeño & Associates
Phone (361) 774-9103