Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on September 7, 2007 at 11:14 p.m. (Suggest removal )
Dear KSP,
You said,
"The State of Texas simply requires that Perry appoint an "able" District Attorney for the position. Someone HAD to be appointed (not elected). Perry thought that Hubert would fill in nicely. While you may not like the guy, this was not "dirty politics." It followed the letter of the law precisely."
JK: Rick Perry knows nothing about Kingsville except that is where Craddick recieved 13.5 million that was earmaked for the Irma Rangel Pharmacy College; Craddick recieved the earmark from Escobar & Lucio (Hubert & Chiuminatto Group) who traded it for legislation success for the creation of the 423rd Judicial District that John Hubert believes is his birthright.
Dont be naive!
This came as a directive from K C Rove!
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on September 8, 2007 at 4:03 a.m. (Suggest removal )
kspcm01 said,
"Your opinion about Rick Perry might even be correct -- but he did get elected by a strong majority of Texans...twice.
Have a GREAT day!"
JK: A majority means more than 50%. A majority voted against him. A majority voted for another candidate.
This stems from the Senate Race with K C Rove stepping down and Perry is one of the puppets.
Also, there were more qualified candidates to choose from.
A Republican Hubert cannot win an election in Kleberg / Kenedy Counties.
As far as Low Blows, he drew first blood.
As far as plead, there is no plea.
There are fabricated documents submitted per 902.
This Malicious man had a Personal Vendetta and he admitted it, he said, "Youre Damn Right It's Personal"
"I have no reason to doubt their integrity."
JK: You have no reason to doubt my integrity either.
"I'll be as hardy of mind as I am of body. I'll be a straight-shooter and a square-dealer. My family name will be sacred My word will be as good as any contract. I'll remember the Alamo. I'll stick by my friends. And I'll eat more chicken-fried steak.
Integrity is publishing articles where the mainstream media has been censored. Did you ever read the article below, It wasn't published here in Corpus Christi? It was published in the Houston Chronicle.
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on September 8, 2007 at 4:48 p.m. (Suggest removal )
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