What's the question?
On 9/21/07, Vicente Carranza <vcarranza@stx.rr.com> wrote:
Can I ask a question without anyone getting mad or angry. Let me know. Thanks/Gracias vicente <'///><<----- Original Message -----From: Jaime KenedenoSent: Friday, September 21, 2007 3:08 PMSubject: Dr. Hector P. Garcia Holiday CelebrationThank You Corpus Christi Caller Times & Mr Patrick Birmingham for celebrating Dr. Hector Garcia Day with us and encapturing our event of many more to come.
Take it away Gentlemen
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From: joe ortiz < joeaortiz@yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 21, 2007 12:52 PM
Subject: Fwd: Emailing: Dr. Hector P. Garcia holiday
To: kingalonzoalvarezdepinedaxiii@gmail.com
Please e-mail this to all GI Forum membersJoe
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From: "Placido Salazar" <psalazar9@satx.rr.com>
To: < psalazar9@satx.rr.com>, "Manuel Sustaita" < msustaita@grandecom.net>, "Marcelo_Tafoya@Hotmail. Com" <marcelo_tafoya@hotmail.com>, "Richard Pena" < maryramosalfaro@satx.rr.com>, "Rick Bolanos" <ellargo@aol.com>, "Rick Salazar" < joshthunderbird03@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 20:51:56 -0700
Subject: Emailing: Dr. Hector P. Garcia holiday
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Dr. Hector P. Garcia holiday
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Photo: Michael Zamora
GI Forum commander Joe Ortiz (from left) and master of ceremonies Johnny Canales present Wanda Garcia, wife of the late Dr. Hector P. Garcia, with a gift Wednesday at the Community Leaders Banquet at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds in Robstown. Members of the Johnny Canales American GI International Forum paid tribute to Dr. Hector P. Garcia at the event.
Kenedeno & Associates
Kenedeno & Associates